If you were running a local apache service (as I was) and you updated to High Sierra you will notice that:
- Your PHP is gone
- Your configuration has been lost
- You likely can’t get to your ~/Sites
- Your blood pressure has risen
That being said, it wasn’t all that bad to at least get things to a tolerable state (not counting mcrypt but that is for a different post)
First compare your new config (/etc/apache2/httpd.conf) to your old one (httpd.conf.pre-update) and that might help a lot. Assuming you are the only one on your machine making websites just embrace it being yours:
Listen 80 (I like 80 better than 8080)
LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so
LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/libphp7.so
User josh (use your credentials)
Group staff
DocumentRoot “/Users/josh/Sites” (make it your own)
<Directory “/Users/josh/Sites“>
Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews Indexes (add Indexes)
AllowOverride All (was None)
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